No Jargon Theory
Let’s start with a series called *drum roll* No Jargon Theory
When I started my PhD, I perused through what felt like millions of pages while I tried to understand what I considered THE BASICS. What I mean with basics here are primarily social science research basics about theory, but of course drawing strict lines is difficult, or rather impossible (You will understand what I mean! ;D).
I tried to learn about ontology, epistemology…and so many other concepts and was simply overwhelmed. Whenever I found a page for “beginners”, I still did not get it and questioned myself and my skills (hello imposter syndrome!) and while I eventually got it, it too quite a while.
That’s why I want to start this series: No Jargon Theory.

It’s going to be a challenge, but I think that the definitions out there that I’ve come across are quite difficult to understand. One reason might be that that English is not my first language another, that when working in academia, your vocabulary changes. I think, that the authors of such “…for beginners” pages honestly believe they’ve written an easy to understand and accessible definition. Well, not for me.
If you’ve experiences the same, this series might be for you 🙂